York Pride 2024

Knavesmire (Tadcaster Road End) Tadcaster Road, York, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom

York Pride is a registered charity which aims to promote equality, diversity and advances in education, in order to eliminate discrimination against the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT+) Community. York Pride raises awareness of LGBT+ issues by promoting and staging events, taking part in campaigning and commentary in the media, and providing support to other LGBT+ charities and voluntary organisations. We also promote the provision of information, advice and support that celebrate LGBT+ lives and history. We aim for York to be a place where everybody knows that the diversity offered by the LGBT+ community is something to be celebrated and in which LGBT+ people can feel safe and accepted. We believe that inclusiveness improves self-esteem and provides a sense of belonging, which helps to diminish the psychological effects of discrimination faced by individuals in daily life. Our summer Pride event, which takes place within a Pride festival week, provides our main platform for a celebration of the diversity of the LGBT+ community in a context of entertainment, inclusivity and fun. The event is a focus for the visibility of the LGBT community in York and provides an opportunity to draw attention to important LGBT issues. York Pride is […]

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